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This guide arranges HYTORC Product and Service videos by category for easy reference.  The guide provides a great self-paced learning program allowing the user to work their way through HYTORC videos one category at a time.  Generally most all these vides are public and listed on our HYTORC YouTube channel.

This video series includes the following:

1. LION GUN Overview
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool 60-Second Overview Promo

2. LION GUN Tool Inspection & Handling
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on Tool Inspection and Handling

3. LION GUN Charge, Test and Install Battery
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on how to Charge, Test and Install the Battery on the LION Gun

4. LION GUN Navigating the Control Panel & Home Screen
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on how to navigate the tool's control panel and home screen

5. LION GUN Operations Menu
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on navigating the operations menu of the LION Gun tool.

6. LION GUN System Menu
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on navigating the System Menu on the LION Gun tool.

7. LION GUN Admin Menu
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on navigating the Admin Menu on the LION Gun tool.

8. LION GUN Profiles
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on setting up profiles on the LION Gun tool.

9. LION GUN Data Collection
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on how to set up Data Collection on the LION Gun tool

10. LION GUN Conventional Bolting
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on conventional bolting with the LION Gun tool and export it to a computer.

11. LION GUN Bolting with the HYTORC Washer
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on bolting with the HYTORC Washer with the LION Gun tool.

12. LION GUN Bolting with the HYTORC Nut
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on bolting with the HYTORC Nut on the LION Gun tool.

13. LION GUN Bolting with the Wheel Extension Fixture
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on bolting with the Wheel Extension Fixture with the LION Gun tool.

14. LION GUN Bolting with the Track-Pad Wheel Extension
LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on bolting with the Track-Pad Wheel Extension on the LION Gun tool.

15. LION GUN Bolting with the Wheel Bolting Software

LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on bolting with the Wheel Bolting Software on the LION Gun tool.

16. LION GUN Wheel Bolting Software Using the Track-Pad Wheel Extension

LION Gun Electric Torque Tool video on using the Wheel Bolting Software with the Track-Pad Wheel Extension on the LION Gun tool.

Ce Webinar en Français est une introduction aux solutions de serrages HYTORC.
Les écrous et rondelles HYTORC révolutionnent les procédés de mise en tension des boulonneries industrielles. Nous couvrirons les considérations techniques de l’ingénierie jusqu’aux montages sur site en démontrant comment garantir une sécurité optimum pour les opérateurs tout en réduisant les temps de montage. La conformité à l’ASTM 3394 vous confortera dans l’adoption des rondelles de réaction.

This webinar provides an update description of the HYTORC Washer System, the ASTM 3394 Standard and the new J-Washer.  The presentation emphasizes the features, benefits, applications and installation tips for the new washer system.

This webinar introduces the two-day ASME PD577 course which covers bolting science and practice for managers and engineers.  This presentation provides an outline for the course objectves, class syllabus, training delivery style and samples of content leading to the ASME certificate.

This webinar provides an update of the latest hydraulic pump and wrenches used in heavy duty industrial bolting.  The presentation outlines the various Manual, Fully Automated and Documentation options in the VECTOR pump and new pump options.


This module provides an explanation of the features and benefits of the LITHIUM SERIES II Electric Torque Tool. The LITHIUM SERIES II Tool features are discussed in detail including expanded functionality, enhanced durability, and improvement usability.

The Nuclear Industry has challenging constraints related to the cost of outage time and the risks associated with exposure time as related to radiological dose.   To address these challenges during retrofit, upgrade and outage work the industry has adopted some of the most advanced bolting and fastening technologies.   This webinar will explore some of these technologies and will show how they are commonly leveraged during Nuclear power plant maintenance work

HYTORC have over the last few years implemented the use of fully stocked tool cabins to help contractors and companies to minimise downtime on site during outages and shutdowns. They can be manned by experience HYTORC technicians who can assist in an upfront tool familiarisation programme so every operative is competent and safe when operating the tools.

This webinar introduces the ASME PCC-1 Appendix A definition of the Qualified Bolting Specialist with Heat Exchanger Specialization.  The talk discusses the training and in-person instructor led exercises and evaluation leading to the ASME QBS with Heat Exchanger Supplemental Qualification.

HYTORC Donates 1,250 N95 Masks To Local EMS And First Responders In
Mahwah, New Jersey To Support The Fight Against COVID-19.

HYTORC is introducing a new self-reacting fastener that will remove the need for reaction arms and that also works as a locking washer.   HYTORC couples these self-reacting fasteners with precision industrial tools that can precisely deliver up to 130,000ft-lbs.  These tools are now available with data acquisition compatibility for manufacturing environments that are using Open Protocol.  This webinar will cover the functionality of self-reacting fasteners and examples of how they can be leveraged in industrial manufacturing environments.     

This webinar is to provide Rail Industry clients with various applications that HYTORC has provided solutions for, which has given the user increased safety, speed and schedule. The elimination of fuels onsite along with elimination of Hand Arm Vibration has taken the industry by storm. The webinar will include Track-based Maintenance, OLE Structures and Train Carriage Maintenance. 

This webinar is to provide Rail Industry clients with various applications that HYTORC has provided solutions for, which has given the user increased safety, speed and schedule. The elimination of fuels onsite along with elimination of Hand Arm Vibration has taken the industry by storm. The webinar will include Track-based Maintenance, OLE Structures and Train Carriage Maintenance. 

HYTORC is introducing a new self-reacting fastener that will remove the need for reaction arms and that also works as a locking washer.   HYTORC couples these self-reacting fasteners with battery powered torqued tools that can precisely deliver up to 5,000ft-lbs of torque.   This combination of specialized fasteners and precision tooling with data tracking capabilities makes it possible to efficiently and safely pre-load fasteners on the most precarious of mechanical structures.   The webinar will demonstrate the capabilities of these fasteners and how these benefits can be leveraged to improve the safety and reliability of live structures. 

HYTORC Is Here and Ready to Help In Your Next Bolting Challenge!

This webcast will discuss wheel bolting issues in the Trucking and Bus, Aviation and Rail industries. With safety in mind, HYTORC can reduce both injury risk and maintenance time for your transportation maintenance needs.

Webinar Preview of Safe Bolting Principles and Pracitces course 2020

This Q&A live webcast will introduce the latest developments in safety, productivity and quality for bolting work in the Power Generation Industry.

We will highlight the following areas to revolutionize your current maintenance process:

• Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Battery Torque Wrench Options and Considerations
• Fastener Options for Torque and Tension
• Combined Cycle, Fossil, Wind and Nuclear Installation Examples
• Hand Safety Solutions
• The HYTORC Standard

Link to Q&A:

Description: This live webcast will introduce the latest developments in safety, productivity and quality for bolting work in the Power Generation Industry.

We will highlight the following areas to revolutionize your current maintenance process:

• Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Battery Torque Wrench Options and Considerations
• Fastener Options for Torque and Tension
• Combined Cycle, Fossil, Wind and Nuclear Installation Examples
• Hand Safety Solutions
• The HYTORC Standard

PC App for Bluetooth Data Exchange with HYTORC Electric Torque Tools.

Press release detailing HYTORC Receiving the 2020 Good Design Award for the LITHIUM SERIES® II Electric Torque Tool.

A Brief 60-Second Overview of the VECTOR MINI's Features.

Hand Safety with the HYTORC Washer and HYTORC Backup Washer.

HYTORC and Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Cumulus Digital Systems, Inc. have joined forces on an innovative partnership that is bringing 21st century tech into the bolting industry in new and exciting ways.

High-resolution PNG files of our award-winning LITHIUM SERIES® II Electric Torque Tool.

For more information, please complete the form, Creative Brief Task Request.

The LITHIUM SERIES Electric Torque Tool is the ultimate solution for portability and convenience on industrial bolting jobs. With the world’s first 36-volt industrial battery system, these tools are ready for heavy industrial use. The lightweight design and dual speed capability make this system the go-to choice for industrial maintenance and production environments worldwide.

HYTORC Technology eliminates hazardous pinch-points, improving job safety and job time with your maintenance and service needs.

The HYTORC Washer: The only bolting solution that eliminates pinch points.

When dealing with large, heavy products that require comparably large, heavy equipment, industrial bolting can become a safety issue with the potential for costly consequences. HYTORC eliminates pinch points that are the cause of common hand and finger injuries.

Short video highlighting HYTORC's booth at the PowerGen 2018 conference in Orlando, FL October 4-6, 2018.

High-res images with transparent backgrounds for use in print, email, and web.